The Advantage of Fins, with Pliant Energy Systems

Episode #321: Empowering Farmers through Root AI

Benjamin “Pietro” Filardo, CEO and founder of Pliant Energy Systems talks about the novel novel form of actuation they developed using two undulating fins on a robot.

These fins present multiple benefits over traditional propeller systems including excellent energy efficiency, low water turbulence, and an ability to maneuver in water, land, and ice. Aside from its benefits on a robot, Pietro also talks about its advantages for harnessing energy from moving water.

Robohub Podcast · The Advantage of Fins

What I loved about this interview is how this product completes a full energy cycle. Not only is it able to move around in a low energy way, it is also able to generate its own energy. This paves the way for the robot to stay underwater indefinitely and sustainably, similar to aquatic creatures in the ocean.

The other aspect that struck me is its ability to operate in what could be considered a niche environment - the coastal waters between land and sea. I say it could be considered niche because it covers only a small portion of the earths surface, but if you consider how the majority of the worlds population is located next to a shoreline, this presents a massive part of how we interact with large bodies of water.

Benjamin “Pietro” Filardo

After several years in the architectural profession, Pietro founded Pliant Energy Systems to explore renewable energy concepts he first pondered while earning his first degree in marine biology and oceanography.

With funding from four federal agencies he has broadened the application of these concepts into marine propulsion and a highly novel robotics platform.